
Hiding The Truth Of Third Stage

Hiding The Truth Of Third Stage

Most care professionals seem convinced that they know best, that mother’s do not know how to give birth and that birth is a medical emergency – when most births are not! They skim over information or just expect the mother to be a mind reader or get frustrated when she will not comply, when she will not do what they have told her.

Healthy Birth Practice # 6

Healthy Birth Practice # 6

Keep Mother and Baby Together: It's Best for Mother, Baby and Breastfeeding.

Throughout most of human history, mothers and babies have stayed together from the moment of birth. When a newborn is placed skin- to – skin not only is this the first time a mother and her newborn can meet and bond, but it’s helps the natural progression of breastfeeding and hormonal release.

Healthy Birth Practices # 1

Healthy Birth Practices # 1

Let labour Begin On It's Own.

Letting your body go into labour spontaneously is almost always the best way to know that your baby is ready to be born and that your body is ready for labour. In the vast majority of pregnancies, labour will start only when all the players—your baby, your uterus, your hormones, and your placenta—are ready.

The Lamaze Healthy Birth Practices

The Lamaze Healthy Birth Practices

The Lamaze Healthy Birth Practices

Lamaze today is a ‘philosophy’ of birth, founded on 6 Healthy Birth Practices that are designed to encourage women to trust their bodies, reduce fear, and have a healthy and safe birth for mother and baby.